Can I include a gift card message?

Yes, in the checkout process there is a box to write your gift card message. Your gift card with the message will be delivered along with your gift to the recipient.

Does Brazil Flowers have same day delivery available?

Yes, on working days for cities with one million plus inhabitants and as long as your order is placed before 10:00 am. For smaller cities, 2 business days are required.

Can I choose a future date for the delivery of my order?

Yes, at the end of your purchase you will have a calendar that you can choose the best delivery date for your gift.

How far in advance should I place an order for delivery at a future date?

You must place your order at least 2 business days in advance.

What if my order is placed in less than 2 business days to the delivery date?

We will do our best to deliver on the desired date, but unfortunately delays and product replacements are frequent in these cases.

Why do I need to provide a telephone number of the recipient?

The telephone number of the recipient, or the place where the delivery will take place, is necessary if the delivery person finds it difficult to locate the address, is not allowed access to the apartment or even to warn the recipient that gift was delivered.

How can I place an order with different products, addresses and different recipients?

Submit your recipients and addresses spreadsheet through our Corporate Contact Form and we will solve everything for you.

What happens if there is no one to receive the order when delivery is attempted?

In this case, the delivery person will try to contact the telephone number provided to find a better alternative for delivery with the recipient. If the order needs to be returned to the florist’s address, a new delivery charge may be required.

How will Brazil Flowers make my gift reach the recipient?

After completing your purchase, we will forward your order to the nearest partner florist, who will assemble the gift and deliver it to your recipient.

How can I know if my gift will reach the recipient with the level of quality offered by Brazil Flowers?

In order to be accredited as a partner, the florist must undergo a rigorous assessment of its technical capacity, verify the regular receipt of fresh flowers and its fast delivery conditions in the region.

After being accredited, the florist begins to participate in our training and professional development program, which qualifies them to produce the products we sell within the required quality levels and aesthetic standards.

We have a permanent evaluation program, which allows us to map the performance of each florist and help them to achieve the highest levels of quality.

How can I know if my order has been delivered?

You will receive an automatic email informing you that your order has been delivered within minutes of delivery.

What time will my order be delivered?

Deliveries are made from 7 am to 8 pm. If there are time constraints, please let our team know and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

Who should I contact if there is a problem with delivery?

If you notice a problem with delivery, please reply to the order confirmation email with a summary of the problem. Our support team will review and give you a response in the
shortest possible time.

My order was not delivered.

If it’s past 8pm on the day of delivery and your order still hasn’t been delivered, let our team know so we can track the order and set things right.